As investors, we believe that value is created throughout the entire life-cycle of an investment and we play an active role in each of these stages:

  • Valuation and Capital Structure
    At the initiation of an investment, we will perform a detailed operations-based examination of the company’s offerings, market position, competitive advantages and weaknesses, growth prospects, customer and supplier relationships and the management team. Our goal is to arrive at an appropriate valuation, to structure the acquisition properly and to understand the key variables underlying the company’s strategic growth plans.
  • Partnership with Management
    During our ownership, we work closely with management in defining clear short and long-term goals for the company and in creating and executing a well-defined strategic plan that focuses on growth and operational efficiencies. We have the resources and expertise to help our portfolio companies achieve success.
  • Investment Horizon and Exit
    WPP is a patient, long-term investor. When the time comes to achieve liquidity, we work closely with management to realize the value that has been created.